Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 4, 2010

Daylight & Architecture 08

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Daylight and Architecture - issue #8

Mankind and Architecture

Green Urbanism: Yesterday, today and tomorrow by Timothy Beatley and Peter Newman.
Daylighting Details
Norbert Fisch, Stefan Plesser and Thomas Wilken on Energy Design: Architecture and climate change.
VELUX Dialogue
One planet living: On good terms with planet earth - interview with Sumeet Manchanda.
VELUX Insight
Glenn Murcutt: Touching the Earth Lightly
Patterns: 7 x Europe
Cia Rinne and Joakim Eskildsen travel to seven cities, to take a critical close-up look at urban development in Europe.
The knack of lightness. Ed van Hinte talks about the approach taken by modern-day designers and industry to Fuller’s intellectual legacy, and the materials and design forms this involves today.

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